I recently acquired two new kitchen appliances. And they were both free, but for different reasons.
First is the yogurt maker. It was a present from my sister. It is really idiot proof. You buy a quart of milk -cow, goat, or soy- add some starter or plain yogurt directly to the carton, mix well, stick it in the holder and plug it in. 8-10 hours later you have yogurt. You can add flavoring or sweetener and you can make it thicker by adding powdered milk or pectin. That's it. I admit, I miss having little glass containers but I love the small footprint.
It's called the Miracle Yogurt Maker.
The second appliance is a crock pot. I got it through Freecycle.com. That's a yahoo group that allows you to offer or ask for free stuff. It's true, it's not very attractive and it needs a good scrubbing and it is an older model that doesn't have a removable insert but it was FREE. Can't beat that with a stick.
Love LOVE LOVE my Rival Crockpot. I have the large programmable model that was on clearance at BBB as an out of the box special. I almost sold it at a garage sale, but thankfully, it didn't go and my current cookbook has excellent crock recipes.
I also love my rice cooker, which was about $10 at a local Asian market. You put in twice as much water as rice, and when it turns off, the rice is done. It's always fluffy and perfect.
I had a rice cooker but I never used it so I gave it away. But I've been wanting a crock pot. Not only can you cook food, you can also make soap.
We have that exact, same, ugly, old, crockpot! We also got ours free, for signing up for a checking account when we still lived in Buffalo, so sometime around 1991. Crock-pot stew is a nice winter staple!
I'm with H... Soap!? Do tell!
So there are 2 ways to make soap from scratch. The first and more usual way is called cold process. You heat the ingredients, mix them together and then they sit, for 4-6 weeks until the oils saponify. Or you can do hot process. Here everything is heated, mixed and then kept at a warm temperature for a while. A crock pot is ideal for that. The oils will saponify in only hours rather than weeks. There is debate about whether this process makes as nice a soap as cold process. I will have to experiment.
I, too, adore my crockpot. It's also a Rival, I believe. I made a lovely minestrone in it just the other day. I also have just picked up a book on soapmaking. I haven't touched it yet, being somewhat nervous about developing a new addiction, but I just made a new friend who makes soap so it's probably inevitable...sigh.
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