Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of Fall

It's been a while hasn't it? In fact, it's been so long that I had no idea the Blogger Dashboard had changed. It's not that I didn't compose any blog posts. I did, in the park or on the train on the way to work. But when I got back to my computer it just didn't seem necessary to actually type them in and click Publish Post. But what of you, gentle readers? Had I forgotten you, abandoned you to pointless speculation about the state of my life? Not at all, your entertainment is as religion to me. After all, if even I could not see the point of writing the post why would you find it diverting? Perhaps I was unduly critical of those posts, light frothy pieces about my trip to the aquarium and my ramblings through Prospect Park. But no matter, we are moving on, into the fall.
Of course, we do have pictures.

The Boat House at Prospect Park

Weird Octopus Sculpture at Prospect Park Zoo

The Dog Beach

The Lawn Zamboni


LMP said...

You're back! I didn't know there was a zoo at Prospect Park. Was it there when I lived in Brooklyn? How embarrassing I didn't notice...

The Plaid Sheep said...

It was there. But it's kind of sad. A few lone animals wandering about. The sea lions and waterfowl seem to have it best. When I was there there was a pleasing juxtaposition of Hassidic and Muslim families out for the day.

karen said...

I went to the Prospect Park Zoo once, also amazed that it existed. I never went back - I thought it was too sad. I'm not much for zoos overall, though.

Glad you're back! I was starting to wonder if you were having a fabulous summer or if you were just bored of us...